Saturday, March 26, 2016

Heart wide open

Tonight I began reading old love letters. Yes, I know, bad idea. It got my heart stirring. It led me to wonder what went wrong, why everything came crashing down. Truth is, I know why. I just haven't wanted to face it. I haven't wanted to open that wound. 

Tonight, I've opened my wound. 

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 

When two people love like this, there is no regret. When two people stay within the emotional and physical boundaries, there is no regret. God has set those boundaries. Ignoring them, means ignoring God. The minute we push aside truth, we allow sin to enter. Sin destroys. Sometimes we don't even mean to let it in, it's so darn easy. It's easy to give in to the ways of the world. It's easy to ignore what we know as truth, especially if it's something we desire. 
What's not easy is living in that sin. 

Brothers and sisters, there is good news. 

The God I serve gives grace to those who don't even ask for it. He took up the cross and replaced barrabas. He took on all of our sin. By grace alone, we have been saved. Nothing I do will ever erase that. Nothing I do can ever change that. The Lord God sent His son Jesus to pay the ultimate price, death on a cross, so that we might be in relationship with Him. Jesus was innocent, yet he took the place of someone who had done wrong, who actually deserved this punishment. But Jesus knew what was ahead. He knew what he had to do. Because He loves. 

It's Easter. It's Saturday night. There's Friday, there's Sunday, but there isn't much talk of Saturday. I wonder what it was like the day after Jesus died. I sometimes imagine the weeping, the confusion, and the let down that Jesus hadn't fulfilled his promise yet. On a day like today, it's so silly to be thinking about the ways I've messed up. Everything I feel or have felt is nothing compared to what Jesus endured. 

So why do I look at memories? Because they remind of Jesus. They remind me of how he's walked with me this entire time. No matter what I've done, no matter how royally I've screwed up, Jesus has carried me through it. When we're going through something, we don't always see the little details. It's in those moments of reflection that we see what we've done, who we've affected and what we need to do from there. 

God is good. All the time
Remember that daily.