Wednesday, April 27, 2016

You're "like" a sister to me

Let me just clarify that I fully don't believe there's anything wrong with viewing someone like a sister. We're all brothers and sisters in Christ. But there comes a point where that term either shouldn't be used, or it really does suck to be on the receiving end of it. 

Men, how does this sit with you? "You're like a brother to me!" .... Imagine you've been crushing on a girly for a while now and she finally comes out and says you're like a brother to her. Worse, you're like a little brother to her. 

Before I get more into this, I want to start off by saying there's a beautiful thing about being told you're like a sibling to someone. To them, it means you're safe. It's a comfortable place to be in. 

I'm currently reading a book called "Captivating" and golly has it made my heart stir! Someone recently told me that saying is the most rejection in the kindest of words. There's 100% truth to that. It really is something kind. Ladies, you don't want a man who sees you like his sister! Not only is that a little weird, but it means he's not going to pursue you in the way you want to be pursued by a man! A man should find you captivating. He should be interested in pursuing you the way that Jesus pursues you. He should be after your heart. A brother pursues you in different ways... Not romantically, of course. 

A guy telling you you're like a sister to him is truly something to be thankful for. There's no guessing game. Not only is he telling you he loves you, but he's letting you know you're safe to him. He's letting you know he doesn't have those feelings for you, that they aren't mutual. It's such a thing to be at peace with! There's no way to try and force someone to pursue you. He should already find you captivating. You shouldn't have to work for that. The only thing you need to do is be tight with the Lord. That's it. That's all God asks. Make him number 1 and nothing that comes your way will seem like a big deal in regards to heartache. There is so much peace and joy when you hold fast to what God is speaking to you. 

Esther 4:14 has been on my heart lately. 
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

How will you respond to pain? How will you respond to disappointment? The Lord has called you to the kingdom for such a time as this. He's placed you here for a reason beyond your understanding. 
Trust in the Lord and His plans for your life. Not only will you not face disappointment, but you'll be so insanely full of joy. 

So here's to all the girlies out there who are constantly referred to as a sister. Patience is on your side, the Lord has something in store.