Tuesday, June 7, 2016


If you couldn't tell by this title, this little post is about Instagram.
Man, have I got a lot to say about this social outlet, but that would probably make my hands cramp.

Instagram... the good, the bad, the neat and the ugly.

Positivity pants ON:
It's a great way to connect.
It's a useful tool, especially in business.
If it's cool, it's on Instagram.

Reality pants ON:
It's difficult.
It's hard not to get caught up in it all, not to be completely consumed with how many likes you have, how many follows, it's hard, I get it.

Let me speak this though... The minute you let the enemy take an inch of your truths, he takes a mile. He takes an entire Country. And it freaking sucks. He's good at what he does. He destroys and he loves it.

The minute you let the enemy take an inch of your truths, he takes a mile.

Instagram is this new cool thing that everyone seems to have. It's all about them hashtags. And heck, I use hashtags! I think it's so neat when someone from across the world loves my photo. When it's good enough for other people to (<3) it, I feel proud.
But that's the key. The minute you begin to believe that a photo is either worthy or unworthy of being posted is the minute you begin to spiral into a pit that leads to jealousy, insecurity, and loneliness.

Little lies lead to big lies. Big lies get to your heart.

God didn't call us to be afraid, he didn't call us to coward and bow down to the devil who destroys. He called us to holiness.

It starts small, it really does.

My photo isn't good enough, I'm not good enough.
My caption isn't good enough, I'm not good enough.
That girl is freaking beautiful, look how popular her feed is.
My follower count went down, I'm not good enough.
No one liked my photo, no one told me I was beautiful or that it was a good shot, I'm not good enough. 

Do you see what I mean?

You start to notice those tiny details, they become big details and even bigger problems.

My parents never dealt with this. They didn't have cellphones. They played outside. Yeah, I know that's a majorly overused statement. Wanna know why? Because it's TRUE and it's GOOD.

They didn't care what was going on with people if they weren't with them. They truly lived in the present and enjoyed the company that surrounded them. Now, everyone has their phones out. You're lucky if you can get through a conversation without anyone touching their phone. Going out for dinner has become difficult. There are cell phones being held while crossing a darn street. With cars all around. My parents gasp at what this world is changing into. What this generation of texters and instagrammers will do with the world. They really have no idea what's coming.

Now, you can make money with blogging. Blogging. I think it's cool, my parents think it isn't a stable income trusting others with your finances instead of taking charge and doing something yourself. Blogging to make money depends on the readers, it depends on how much traffic your blog has.

It used to be about security and now it's about creativity and happiness.

Let me tell you this... working hard no matter what you do, doesn't lead to happiness. Enjoying what you do may make you happy, but it doesn't lead to joyfulness. Now, don't confuse the two.

True joy is found in the presence of the Lord. In Him, there is joy.

My heart breaks every time one of my friends comes to me saying Instagram is ruining their confidence. It breaks.my.heart. I didn't understand it at first. But scrolling through my feed, I realized I don't even pay attention to each post, I just scroll, and like, and scroll, and observe. That's it. So much of my morning and my evening is consumed with Instagram. I timed how much time I spent on it before going to bed. I can confidently say I spent 45 minutes scrolling through Instagram before finally putting my phone away for bed. That's INSANE.

Do you know how much Jesus time I could have had?? So much of my day is spent searching and clicking on people or photos I really have no connection with, when the Lord our God is probably waiting there just saying "Amy, come on, pay attention!"

Guys, our God is a jealous God. When something or someone is in the way of your focus, He'll let you know.

You shall have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:3

Different gods?
Instagram, relationships, twitter, Facebook, blogging, friends, sex, drugs, alcohol, video games, porn. Any/all of these things can sometimes become a god in your life. All your attention is payed to it, you worship it, you serve it. Sometimes you don't even realize it.

God gets jealous, and I think we forget that.

It's number one on the list for a reason. It's a guideline because He loves us and knows what's best for us. These commandments lead to life. Eternal life.
What's greater than that?
Eternal life with the creator of everything.

You know why Instagram ruins your confidence? Because you've place the opinions of others above Gods opinion. You've placed their approval above His.

Know why it's hard to fix? Because sin can only be taken away through Jesus. It's not easy to let go. But I promise you, do it and you'll feel so free. There's a weight that gets lifted from your shoulders. It's the heaviest weight you're carrying at the time, and He takes it. He carries it. He carries you AND that weight. He takes it all.

Give it to God.

I know that's become a Christianese term, but it's also a helpful truth.

Give it to God.

Positivity pants ON: There are so many different accounts made specifically to make Jesus known. Be apart of it, make your own account, or simply pay attention to those ones. Know we all  struggle, that you're not in this alone. That's the positive out of Instagram and Christians on Instagram. You are not alone.