Monday, May 30, 2016

How little I know

Hey you, 

I know life is hard. Sometimes it really sucks. You don't know what to do, where to go, what to study, who to be in love with, how to save money, how to spend money...There are so many questions to answer, and at 20, I don't know any of those answers. The only thing I know and have peace with is that the Lord is in control of it all. I've spent so many nights tossing and turning because I've tried taking control of situations. I've worried like never before. I constantly worry about the things I can't fix, the things I don't have control over. Control has been something I've held close. Its difficult talking about things you're going through while you're going through them. So here's something I struggle with daily: Patience.

Control isn't something I need to have when I have patience. Patience is a good fruit, control is not. The one who has control is the almighty God. And who am I? Who am I to stress about the things i cannot change? Who takes care of a child? A parent. Who takes care of the mess when the child is freaking out because they're little and don't know what to do? A parent. I am a child of God. He looks after me, He takes care of me and He loves me. If He is for me, then who can be against me! 

A note for myself - don't worry about the things you don't have control over. Because really, you don't have control over anything. Circumstances change, people grow, and the best thing you can do is sit back and smile because Gods got it all in the palm of His hand. 

Get into the word, it'll make your Monday even better. 

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